Human Papillomavirus
Human Papilloma Virus or HPV or is a group of viruses, which belongs to Papillomaviridae family. It is also the worldwide leaders on STI and over 200 different types of this disease exist. Among them, approximately 40 types can affect the genital region and are transmitted through direct contact with the skin; the primary affinity is derived through sexual relations. The many cases of HPV go unnoticed given that the person infected may not show any signs of the virus.
Health Implications
Even though most HPV infections are not dangerous and go away without any treatment, and do not produce any noticeable symptoms or health complications, certain types of HPV can result in various negative outcomes. Genital warts begins tumor of genital & anal skin which are induced only by HPV. Moreover, chronic infection with high risk HPV types can similarly result in development of cervical, anal, penile vulvar, and vaginal cancers as well as throat (oropharyngeal) cancer. Cervical cancer in particular has a well-established causation by HPV infection almost all cervical cancers are caused by persistent infections with high risk types of HPV.
Prevention and Screening
Given HPV’s substantial burden on public health, various prevention and screening measures are implemented to reduce its prevalence. The most recommended preventive strategies are based on HPV vaccination and safe sexual behaviors:
The HPV vaccination is rather effective in providing protection against cancerous as well as wart inducing HPV types. Any young adolescent that has not been exposed to HPV ought to be vaccinated since the vaccine works before the practices of sexual activities. It is recommended that vaccination should be given when a person is around 11 to 12 years of age. As for the booster, there should be a catch-up vaccination for such population that has not been vaccinated as per the stated recommendations.
Safe sexual practices:
Although condoms may not protect entirely against infections transmitted via the skin in places not covered by a condom, the risk of HPV transmission is still further reduced by consistent and accurate use of condoms.
Challenges in Vaccination
In spite of the proven positive impact derived from HPV vaccination, global vaccination records’ level is still low. Several challenges contribute to this: Several challenges contribute to this:
1. Public Awareness:
Due to this many people are ignorant of what HPV is, what it can do to their health or the advantage of getting a jab.
2. Misinformation:
MYTHS AND beliefs regarding the application of HPV vaccines persist as people and parents decline to seek the vaccines.
3. Access:
There are still gaps in the public access to vaccines, particularly in countries and regions of low socioeconomic development.
Public health measures include informative campaigns, stewardship from physicians and other healthcare workers, and the adoption of policies that seek to facilitate access to vaccines.
Screening and Early Detection
For cervical cancer prevention, early diagnosis through the most common tools, which includes the Pap smear and HPV tests, ought to be done often. Pelvic exams by pap smears help in the identification of cancerous cervical cells before they turn to cancer. Currently there are HPV tests that can detect high risk HPV types in cervical cells this aims at identifying women at risk of developing cervical cancer even if the cervical cells are normal.
Human Papillomavirus remains a highly influential cause of morbidity and mortality around the world starting from merely causing genital warts to progress to life threatening cancers. Vaccination program coupled with advocacy and information campaign are effective preventative measures against HPV related diseases, and its overall disease burden. The search for more research continue, initiatives in setting public health polices, educating the populace, and making penetrating health care reforms relevant to the prevention of this otherwise sneakily cruel vulture that is slowly nibbling away people’s lives.
All in all, appreciating HPV and the consequences gives the people and communities necessary knowledge to guard and improve their health, so that the later years will not bring many diseases associated with HPV.