Cancer: Symptoms Treatment and 5 Types
Table of Contents

Cancer can be defined as the uncontrolled multiplication and movement of defective cells. Serious illness and even death may arise from it if not treated on time. The effects of cancer are far-reaching as it touches nearly every family across the globe making it one of the most studied and discussed health issues.
What Is Cancer?
Cancer starts when some cells within a certain area in our bodies become uncontrollable in their multiplying activities. Unlike normal cells, they do not cease to grow, divided repeatedly to form lumps known as tumors. Tumors may occur benignly (noncancerous) or malignantly (cancerous). Malignant tumors invade local tissues and pass through blood vessels and lymphatic networks into other parts of the body.
Types of Cancer
1. Breast Tumor:
Majority common to females, although it may also happen in males. Early spotting via scanning dramatically improves results.
2. Lung Tumor:
Strongly interlinked with smoking, but it can also develop in non-smokers. It is among the major causes of cancer mortality worldwide.
3. Prostate Tumor:
A big concern for males, particularly as they grow older. Key focus on screening and early visual detection.
4. Colorectal Tumor:
Affects colon or rectum often begins as benign polyps which over time can turn into cancerous.
5. Skin Tumor:
Encompasses melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers mostly arising from exposure to UV rays from the sun.
Symptoms of Cancer
1. Weight Loss
In the early stages of cancer, an unexplained weight loss may occur. A large weight loss that happens suddenly due to no dieting or exercise changes can be a sign of cancer. Such unexplained weight loss is mostly caused by cancers like that of stomach, lungs or pancreas.
2. Fatigue
Fatigue may arise in cancer that does not make any difference even after a good rest. But when fatigue persists for prolonged durations, it can indicate there is likelihood of acquiring cancer in future. For instance leukemia, which is in the blood system as well as other organ related cancer could be responsible for fatigue too.
3. Lumps or Thickening
Lump also a thickened tissue may indicate symptoms of cancer especially breast or other types. It’s worth noting that not all lumps are cancerous; hence any new or unusual lump must be evaluated by a physician.
4. Changes in Skin
Skin changes like darkening, yellowing or sores that remain for a long time can be indications of cancer. In general, skin cancer appears in the form of new or changing moles and articular surfaces.
5. Persistent Pain
Chronic pain which is sometimes unexplained or localized could suggest cancer. Persistent pain is associated with bone tumors or tumors that have moved to the bones.
Diagnosis of Cancer
1. Initial Evaluation
Typically, an initial evaluation is performed to diagnose cancer manifested symptoms. Unexplained loss of weight, persistent tiredness and lumps in body parts can all serve as primary signs that may indicate a possible existence of cancer syndrome. These would lead to more examinations being carried out if there are suspicions that they might be indicating the presence of malignancies.
2. Imaging Tests
For appropriate diagnosis of cancers imaging tests are very important. X-ray, CT scan, MRI or even ultrasound can provide wellbeing diagnostic departments with clear tissue pictures that could indicate existence of some tumors or other abnormal growths meaning it is time for them to suspect if any malignancy is present in their patients’ bodies.
3. Biopsy
A biopsy is considered one of the most definitive techniques for diagnosing cancer. The way it is done is by taking a small portion of tissue from a specific area in question and looking at it under a microscope. Finding out whether the sample has cancer cells or not confirms that indeed this is cancer.
4. Blood Tests
On the other hand, blood tests can also help diagnose cancer. Some kinds of tumors discharge into the bloodstream unique materials commonly referred to as tumor markers. Therefore, finding these markers may help us know what type and stage of cancer we are dealing with.
Treatment of Cancer
Depending on the nature, stage and site of the malignancy, treatment methods can vary significantly among patients who are diagnosed with cancer. The most commonly used treatment options are:
Surgery: When the tumor and healthy tissues have been cut out.
Radiation Therapy: A method of treatment which uses powerful rays to destroy or cut down cancer cells.
Chemotherapy: This involves using medicine to kill off ones suffering from the disease.
Immunotherapy: Increasing one’s immunity level is an effective way to help combat cancer inside our bodies.
Targeted Therapy: Medications directed at certain substances that promote tumor growth are called drugs or anti-tumor agents.
Prevention and Research
While not every form of disease can be evaded there are some lifestyle alterations that may lower chances of getting it:
- Leaving out cigarettes
- Keeping desirable weight
- Eating food rich in fruits and vegetables
- Curbing alcohol intake
- Guarding skin from overdose of sun rays
Research is still getting on whereby new treatment agents are being developed and our understanding of the cancer biology is being improved with aim of finding cures. It is the genetic research advances, personalized medicine, and immune therapy fields that are evolving the fastest.
Although cancer poses great challenge, early diagnosis combined with advanced therapeutic options as well as continued scientific investigation has enabled many survivors. Keeping yourself updated about health issues can make a big difference in results.