Snoring: Causes, Effects and Cures

No doubt many individuals across the world snore. Not only does it trouble the person who snores but it may also bother those individuals who share a bed with that particular person. To address this problem and probably minimize its intensity, there is need to comprehend how snoring occurs; find out who are mainly affected by it; and identify what can be done.
What is Snoring?
Snoring happens when the airflow through the mouth and nostrils is slightly blocked up during slumber. The tissues in the throat vibrate, producing the well-known sound of snores. The frequency and strength of these can change a lot, with some forms being symptoms of greater underlying health issues.
Causes of Snoring
Snoring can be caused by a number of factors which include:
1. The jaw and sinuses’ anatomy: Some physical features like thick soft palate or enlarged tonsils are capable of making the air passage constricted resulting into snoring.
2. In terms of sleeping position, snoring may happen if somebody sleeps in a supine position because his/her tongue might fall backwards into the throat and thus blackout the airways leading to an airway constriction.
3. Nasal congestion is a common cause of blocked nasal airways due to allergies or colds that obstruct inhalation and create vacuum in the throat making it impossible for one not to snores.
4. Fatness: An excessive amount of body weight in particular around neck areas can, in turn, shoved down the air passage and prevent breathing flow.
5. Alcohol and sedatives: Drinking of alcohol or taking sedatives before sleep may lead to too much relaxation of throat muscles hence increasing chances for snoring.
6. Old age: As people get older there is less muscle tone in throats thus increasing occurrences of snores.

Effects of Snoring
There are numerous negative impacts associated with snoring such as:
1. Relationship Strain:
The noise produced by snoring can disturb sleep in partners increasing tension in relationships.
2. Health Risks:
Continuous snoring can indicate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a condition that leads to heart diseases, diabetes and stroke.
3. Disrupted Sleep:
Frequent snoring disrupts sleep causing low quality of sleep and tiredness during the day.

When to Consult a Physician
Though irregular snores are usually trifles, it is imperative to examine chronic ones or those that are usually loud series of noise by healthcare practitioners, mostly if they come along with:
- Temporary Stops in Breathing at Night
- Drowsiness All Day Long
- Headaches after Waking Up in the Morning
- Sore Throat upon Waking Up
- Unstable Sleep
- Hypertension
- Chest Pains at Night
Snoring Solutions
Snoring can be managed and reduced by different techniques:
1. Changes in lifestyle:
- Dropping extra weight: When one loses weight there is decrease in the fat content around the neck that causes snoring.
- Sleeping positions: Sleeping on your side instead of back keeps airways clear.
- Avoid drinking and taking sedatives: Avoiding or reducing intake of these substances before going to bed prevent relaxing muscles of neck and throat.
- Set up a regular sleeping pattern: A consistent regularity in sleeping hours improves sleep quality thus reducing snoring.
2. Home Remedies:
- Nasal Strips or Dilators: It may help with maintaining nasal pathways being opened.
- Humidifiers: Oil for the air can aid in decreasing respiratory problems associated with nasal obstruction.
- Head Elevating: Elevating the head using more pillows or an adjustable bed keeps your tongue out of your air passage.
3. Medical Interventions:
- Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP): A machine that blows air through a mask so as to keep open the airway.
- Oral Appliances: Devices made according to one’s specific mouth shapes used to position one’s jaw and tongue in such a way that it allows free flow of air into one’s lungs while sleeping.
- Surgery: Procedures like Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) or laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP) involve removal or reduction of throat tissues.
It is very normal for someone to snore due to different reasons and consequences. Although it can be tackled through personal habits and home cures, persistent or extreme cases have to be looked at by a medical expert. Notably, the snorer and the sleeping partner’s life quality will be improved if they know their underlying problems and look for recommendable answers.